Hello World!

PJ at StonehengeI am Paula S. Jordan, a lifelong reader of science fiction and fantasy, a former orbit analyst for NASA and NOAA, and a long-time writer in a variety of fields.  Now, at last, I am writing from my science fiction roots.

I am one of several regular bloggers over at DarkCargo.com, here on WordPress.  We would love to have you drop around!  And I am finally moving my personal web site into the neighborhood.  Please pardon my dust while I get things a little better organized!

As for the fiction, so far two short stories and a novelette have appeared in Analog Science Fiction and Fact: “Vooorh,” the novelette (July/August 2014), and “Two Look at Two” (April 2011) are adaptations from my present-day alien contact novels now in progress.  My first professional publication, “The Gift of Unbinding” (May 2001) also appeared in Analog.  I am currently at work on other stories, fantasy as well as science fiction, in addition to the novels.

I hope to be moved in very soon!

All content copyright Paula S. Jordan 2011-2014